Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive and representative government that truly serves all members of society! #ABLEtoSERVE

Persons with disabilities bring unique experiences and perspectives to government, which can lead to more effective and representative policymaking. However, many people with disabilities face barriers to political participation, such as discrimination and lack of accessibility.

At ABLEtoSERVE, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to serve their community through government. That’s why we are committed to promoting disability-inclusive policies and practices that ensure equal access to political participation for people with disabilities.

The disability community has so much to offer to the government. Let's break down the barriers to political participation and make it happen! #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #ABLEtoSERVE

Our answers


The Able to Serve Campaign is a movement focused on promoting inclusivity and empowerment for individuals with diverse abilities. We aim to raise awareness about their talents, strengths, and potential to contribute positively to society.

  1. Share the campaign video on your social media channels to spread awareness.
  2. Volunteer with local organizations supporting individuals with diverse abilities.
  3. Donate to initiatives that foster inclusivity and provide opportunities for skill development.

Sharing the campaign video is easy! You can find the video on our official YouTube channel. Click the “Share” button below the video and choose your preferred platform (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.) to share it with your friends, family, and followers.

We encourage you to share inspiring stories of individuals with diverse abilities within your community. Please visit our website and fill out the form